Silvia Casola
My updated CV is here

I am a final-year PhD student at the University of Padua (Brain, Mind and Computer Science program), with a grant from Fondazione Bruno Kessler. My advisor is Alberto Lavelli. I own a Master’s degree cum laude in Computer Engineering (Data Science curriculum) from Politecnico di Torino.

I visited the TALN group in UPF (Barcelona) to work on summarization and simplification under the supervision of Prof. Saggion and interned at Huawei Research Ireland for 6 months.

My research interests include automatic text summarization and simplification (with a focus on technical text), Natural Language Generation, Natural Language Processing and Deep Learning.


What's in a (dataset's) name? The case of BigPatent

Workshop on Generation, Evaluation & Metrics (GEM) at EMNLP

Sharing datasets and benchmarks has been crucial for rapidly improving Natural Language Processing models and systems. Documenting datasets' characteristics (and any modification introduced over time) is equally important to avoid confusion and make comparisons reliable. Here, we describe the case of BigPatent, a dataset for patent summarization that exists in at least two rather different versions under the same name. While previous literature has not clearly distinguished among versions, their differences not only lay on a surface level but also modify the dataset’s core nature and, thus, the complexity of the summarization task. While this paper describes a specific case, we aim to shed light on new challenges that might emerge in resource sharing and advocate for comprehensive documentation of datasets and models.
Exploring the limits of a base BART for multi-document summarization in the medical domain

Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Scholarly Document Processing

This paper describes our participation in the Multi-document Summarization for Literature Review (MSLR) Shared Task, to explore summarization for automatically reviewing scientific results. Rather than aiming at maximizing the metrics using expensive computational models, we placed ourselves in a situation of scarce computational resources and explore the limits of a base sequence to sequence models (thus with a limited input length) to the task. We explored methods to feed the abstractive model with salient sentences only (using a first extractive step); we found some improvements, but results tend to be inconsistent.
Summarization, Simplification, and Generation: The Case of Patents

Expert Systems with Applications

We survey Natural Language Processing (NLP) approaches to summarizing, simplifying, and generating patents' text. While solving these tasks has important practical applications - given patents' centrality in the R&D process - patents' idiosyncrasies open peculiar challenges to the current NLP state of the art. This survey aims at a) describing patents' characteristics and the questions they raise to the current NLP systems, b) critically presenting previous work and its evolution, and c) drawing attention to directions of research in which further work is needed. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first survey of generative approaches in the patent domain.
Paper arxiv
Pre-trained transformers: an empirical comparison

Machine Learning with Applications

Pre-trained transformers have rapidly become very popular in the Natural Language Processing (NLP) community, surpassing the previous state of the art in a wide variety of tasks. While their effectiveness is indisputable, these methods are expensive to fine-tune on the target domain due to the high number of hyper-parameters; this aspect significantly affects the model selection phase and the reliability of the experimental assessment. This paper serves a double purpose: we first describe five popular transformer models and survey their typical use in previous literature, focusing on reproducibility; then, we perform comparisons in a controlled environment over a wide range of NLP tasks. Our analysis reveals that only a minority of recent NLP papers that use pre-trained transformers reported multiple runs (20%), standard deviation or statistical significance (10%), and other crucial information, seriously hurting replicability and reproducibility. Through a vast empirical comparison on real-world datasets and benchmarks, we also show how the hyper-parameters and the initial seed impact results, and highlight the low models’ robustness.
WITS: Wikipedia for Italian Text Summarization


Abstractive text summarization has recently improved its performance due to the use of sequence to sequence models. However, while these models are extremely data-hungry, datasets in languages other than English are few. In this work, we introduce WITS (Wikipedia for Italian Text Summarization), a largescale dataset built exploiting Wikipedia articles’ structure. WITS contains almost 700,000 Wikipedia articles, together with their human-written summaries. Compared to existing data for text summarization in Italian, WITS is more than an order of magnitude larger and more challenging given its lengthy sources. We explore WITS characteristics and present some baselines for future work.
Paper ~ Dataset
Investigating Continued pretraining for Zero-Shot Cross-Lingual SpokenLanguage Understanding.


Spoken Language Understanding (SLU) in task-oriented dialogue systems involves both intent classification (IC) and slot filling (SF) tasks. The de facto method for zero-shot cross-lingual SLU consists of fine-tuning a pretrained multilingual model on English labeled data before evaluating the model on unseen languages. However, recent studies show that adding a second pretraining stage (continued pretraining) can improve performance in certain settings. This paper investigates the effectiveness of continued pretraining on unlabeled spoken language data for zero-shot cross-lingual SLU. We demonstrate that this relatively simple approach benefits either SF and IC task across 8 target languages, especially the ones written in Latin script. We also find that discrepancy between languages used during pretraining and fine-tuning may introduce training instability, which can be alleviated through code-switching.
FBK@SMM4H2020: RoBERTa for detecting medications on Twitter


This paper describes a classifier for tweets that mention medications or supplements, based on a pretrained transformer. We developed such a system for our participation in Subtask 1 of the Social Media Mining for Health Application workshop, which featured an extremely unbalanced dataset. The model showed promising results, with an F1 of 0.8 (task mean: 0.66).
Mental Workload Assessment for UAV Traffic Control Using Consumer-Grade BCI Equipment


The increasing popularity of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in critical applications makes supervisory systems based on thepresence of human in the control loop of crucial importance. In UAV-traffic monitoring scenarios, where human operators are responsible formanaging drones, systems flexibly supporting different levels of autonomy are needed to assist them when critical conditions occur. The assessment of UAV controllers’ performance thus their mental workload maybe used to discriminate the level and type of automation required. The aim of this paper is to build a mental workload prediction model based onUAV operators’ cognitive demand to support the design of an adjustable autonomy supervisory system. A classification and validation procedure was performed to both categorize the cognitive workload measured by ElectroEncephaloGram signals and evaluate the obtained patterns from the point of view of accuracy. Then, a user study was carried out to identify critical workload conditions by evaluating operators’ performance inaccomplishing the assigned tasks. Results obtained in this study provided precious indications for guiding next developments in the field.